Sardis Senior's Activity Centre
Saturday Night Jam Sessions
Sardis Seniors Activity Centre hosted our first Saturday Night Jam Session.  Musicians of all stripes joined together on Saturday February 8 to perform music of all genres to entertain our small but enthusiastic audence.  The was first of many such Saturday night jam sessions planned to start in March.  Live music fans are welcome to join our audience and requests are most welcome. Watch your email in-box for future announcement on dates and time.  
Winter Weather
The Sardis Seniors Activity Centre is OPEN for all activities. The ice in front of the building has been cleaned up but we still recommend taking care while entering the building as below zero conditions can change the situation very quickly.
Acoustic Jam Session  
Good Friends + Good Music = Good Times!  
Our jam space features a professional P/A system, microphones and music stands.  Some loaner
equipment is available.  Members pay a low $2
activity fee. Join us at
7pm on the 2nd and 4th
every month for a jam that is fun and

Acrylic Painting: Painting with others provides a
great opportunity to learn 
from each other and to
get feedback, inspiration and ideas.  Join us every
Tuesday at 
4:00pm. Bring your own brushes and
canvas, paint is supplied in a limited 
palate of

Tech Help provides one-on-one tech support by appointment.  Looking for help with your phone, tablet, laptop or other electronic items?  Have a private appointment with our resident technical expert to have your problems diagnosed.  Email for an appointment at: